February 1, 2025
Fourth and Third Quarter 2024 News
The Berkshire Bank is a proud member of our community. As a community bank, we are proud to partner with the people and places who share our commitment to the areas we work and live in. Here are just a few.
Fourth Quarter 2024
- Connections is a division of Agudath Israel Boro Park Senior Citizens Center. It offers recreational and cultural day programs for low-income senior citizens, free meals, and assistance programs. It also offers low to moderate income seniors transportation to the center. The 13th Ave branch holds seminars on financial exploitation at the center to educate its members and staff.
- The Marien Heim Tower and Senior Center’s mission is to advance City, State and Federal policies and funding to support the development and preservation of affordable housing for New Yorkers. NYHC is a non-profit affordable housing agency and advocates for lower income individuals. The 16th Ave branch holds seminars on financial exploitation at the center to educate its members and staff.
- The Kosher Food Lifeline (KFL) is a branch of The Orthodox Union (OU) battling food insecurity. KFL assists organizations supporting low to moderate income individuals gain a greater understanding on ways to make food assistance more dignified and efficient. They also work to reduce food insecurity in NYC. The OU’s Department of Community Projects and Partnerships is taking the lead in supporting this initiative and the 5 Broadway location has visited this organization to better understand its work.
- The Goshen Little League believes baseball and softball teaches life lessons that build stronger children and communities. This non-profit organization promotes, develops and assists players with scholarships for those who cannot afford to join. The Harriman branch has set up a table to speak to games attendees on the topic of home mortgages and NY Basic Banking Account information and services.
- Goshen Chabad is an international organization with over 4,000 institutions. Opened in 2003 by Rabbi Meir Borenstein, Chabad offers its community the opportunity to support the Karen Thurston Scholarship Program which provides scholarships to local children from low to moderate income families in Goshen. The Goshen branch has visited with Rabbi Borenstein to explore all the opportunities that the organization offers in the neighborhood.
Third Quarter 2024
- House on the Hill is a non-profit organization committed to providing the highest quality early childhood education and social services to farm workers and their eligible families across NY State. They also offer migrant and seasonal head start services. The Goshen branch has offered financial exploitation seminars, senior fraud information packages and spoke to the financial staff at the House of the Hill and their families about protecting their bank accounts and personal information. Greater Sheepshead Bay
- Development Corporation in Brooklyn has been in operation since 1978 and a New York-based 501 (c)3 nonprofit since 1981. It offers housing-counseling and navigation services to ensure residents of the Sheepshead Bay community home stability through renting or home purchase. The Kings Highway branch has helped in training and support of its initiatives and continues to check-in with this group.
- Moriah Adult Center in Washington Heights, started in 1974 to serve seniors of all ethnicities in Washington Heights and Inwood. Containing the highest percentage of seniors in the New York area, Moriah provides hot lunches daily along with sponsoring recreation and education programs to approximately 100 seniors. The Heights location has visited Moriah providing the FDIC Money Smart program to educate seniors and discussed various forms of business account takeovers with Moriah leadership. Moriah is funded by the NYC Department for the Aging and community contributions.
- Stella and Charles Guttman Community College is part of the City University of New York and offers the Women of Gratitude, Resilience, Integrity, and Talent (GRIT) mentorship program. Open to all women/women-identified students, they participate in a series of monthly workshops designed to foster a sense of community and leadership, promoting academic, personal, and professional success. The 39th Street branch has visited the college and group on two occasions, and interacting with the program students, providing the FDIC Money Smart initiative to the attendees, in both Spanish and English.